Based on the first scene with Jude sitting on the beach. It is a very soft scene with subtle tones. Then he sings the first line of the song Girl by John Lennon:"Is there anybody going to listen to my story?"
Do you have a story you want to share? Can you use the title of the song for a Page title? Do you have that cool crisp gray beach photo you've been dying to scrap? What about the Movie's title "Across the Universe"? Does it inspire a project?
I loved this first scene so much. It set the tone for the movie.
I used a close up photo of myself and titled the layout "girl". The photo is peeling out of the paper. Then I used the first line of the song under my picture. The hidden journaling tells my story...delving into how I saw myself as a child on through adulthood. It is simple simple simple as I found this first scene clean and simple...yet full of information. As always, click on the picture to see the detail up close.
Journaling Reads:
“Was she told when she was young that pain would lead to pleasure”-John Lennon Growing up, I was loved. I had a fabulous family and knew I was a lucky girl. Funny how no matter how good you have it, you still think you are not “good” enough. I
suppose they call that a low self esteem. I was shy around people. I thought I wasn’t thin
enough. I thought I didn’t have the best clothes like every one else. I thought I wasn’t
pretty enough. I wished for things I didn’t “think” I had. These feelings peaked during
those middle school years and were thoughts in the back of my mind for many years after. I was successful in school and definitely in athletics. I was named most athletic in my senior class. I went on to college on a volleyball scholarship to play on a nationally ranked volleyball team that traveled all over the USA. I was getting very good grades in school, had friends, and a sweet boyfriend. Yet, always in the back of my mind were those ugly nagging feelings that never left me alone to be happy. I felt the need to always be on the go, perhaps trying to run away from those feelings. After graduating college, I moved nearly 2000 miles away from home to begin teaching in Florida. I loved Florida. However, those feelings packed themselves in my car and were right there along for the ride! Soon after arriving in Florida, I met my first husband and settled with him because I didn’t think I deserved anyone better. BOY, WAS I WRONG! I turned 30 and my complete self image took a 180* turn. I could talk to anyone. I had a new sense of self. I suddenly woke up and looked in the mirror and saw a gorgeous girl looking back at me. I loved me. I enjoyed waking up everyday. But, there was this not so good thing in my life holding me back trying to tell me all those things I had told myself for so many years. I realized that life can be so much better. I had to make the hardest decision in my life to hurt my two children in order to save those two children from going down a path of their own sadness they knew not at that time. I asked my husband for a divorce and became sole custodial parent to two of the best children I have ever come across. For this, I am so blessed. At this time, I was in a place I had never known in my life. I was happy, content, and free. This is not to say being a single parent was easy. There were trials and struggles I wish on no one during those 6 years. In 2005, I was at a place in my life that was conducive to having someone special in my life. I wasn’t looking for someone to complete me, I was looking for someone to come along beside me and be my best friend. I found that in Michael and thank God everyday for such a wonderful man and husband. We have become parents together of a precious little boy. My three children are each one special to me in ways I could never truly express with words. As a family we work, live, grow, and love with the same healthy respect I was blessed with as a child. Today, I parent so as to let each child know how much I value them and what they have to offer as productive citizens. Today, I enjoy life, my family, and all that awaits in the future!
“Was she told when she was young that pain would lead to pleasure”-John Lennon
SEI cafe aulait Jolie Chocolat
Bazzill Basics Grey
Letters: American Crafts sixth avenue
Stickles: Star Dust
Ribbon Pull for hidden Journaling
You story is heartfelt and I love how open you are.
You inspire me.
Umm WOW I loved your story, girl I read it twice. WOW that LO is so heartfelt love it ..
ohyah I am now following you back on Twitter hee hee
Loved reading your story. You have written it beautifully.
Beautiful LO, love how you did it, peeking out of the paper. But very fitting when I read the journaling. Great job of expressing yourself. Congrats on finding the "real you."
this is great!!!...love it...the journaling is wonderful....
wonderful layout, Jessica!
Wow - beautiful. Layout and all.
LOVE that journaling girl....I'm running a little behind on SIS....hehehe....but I will get to it there too!!!! YOUR LO is STUNNING! :):):):):):)
Julie :):):):)
what a heart-warming story, jessica! very courageous to bare your soul like that . . . thanks for sharing & congrats on the happy life you so richly deserve!!
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