When I arrived home, my husband said I ruined it. He liked it better before hand. I liked it better after and from a distance. LOL I loved how the colors came together and how I used alot of my classroom left over dittos as part of the painting! (I painted the dittos.)
This afternoon I sorted about 3,000 stamps and went through some of my ephemera for future use! I also gathered together a few things that Elizabeth St. Hilaire Nelson
will need to add to her upcoming pieces.
If you have never checked out her work...it is a must see!
I am attending another workshop next month in paper painting with Elizabeth!

I also purchased her DVD and so can you!!! Click the photo to find out how!

She is an amazing artist and an even more amazing person!
I am biting at the bit to get my gnome started...but with Jay being potty trained this weekend, it is getting in the way of me doing much of anything! Joys of motherhood!
By now, Jay is long potty trained (June 23, 2010) and my gnome is done. Here's some shots of it...